Articles publiés dans des revues avec comités de lecture :
- Caruana, N., McGregor, R.M., Moore, A. and Stephenson , L. (2017). Voting 'Ford' or Against: Understanding Strategic Voting in the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election. Social Science Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12359
- McGregor, R. M.& Al. (2017). Why so few Women and Minorities in Local Politics? Incumbency and Affinity Voting in Low Information Elections. Representations 53:2 (2017): 135-52.
- Spicer, Z., McGregor, R. M. et Alcantara, C. (2017). Political Opportunity Structures and the Representation of Women and Visible Minorities in Municipal Elections. Electoral Studies 48 (August 2017):10-18.
- Anderson, C., McGregor, R. M. (2017). Persuasion, Partisanship and Evaluations of National Conditionsand Governmental Impact: An Experimental Study. American Review of Canadian Studies 47:1 (January 2019): 53-73.
- Anderson, C., McGregor, R. M., Moore, A. & Stephenson, L. (2017). Economic Voting and Multi-Level Governance: The Case of Toronto. Urban Affairs Review 53:1 (January 2017): 71-101.
- Moore, A., McGregor, R. M. & Stephenson L. (2017). Paying Attention and the Incumbency Effect: Voting Behavious in the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election. International Political Science Review 38:1 (January 2017): 85-98.
- McGregor, R. M., Moore, A. & Stephenson L. (2016). Political Attitudes and Behaviour in a Non-Partisan Environment.Canadien Journal of Political Science 49:2 (June2016): 311-333.
- Bird, K., Jackson S., McGregor, R. M & al. (2016). Sex (and Ethnicity) in the City: Affinity Voting in the 2014 Toronto Moayoral Election. Canadian Journal of Political Science 49:2 (June 2016): 359-383
- McGregor, R. M.& Spicer, Z. (2016). The Canadian Homevoter: Property Values and Municipal Politics in Canada. The Journal of Urban Affairs, 38:1 (February 2016): 123-139.
- Anderson, C. & McGregor, R. M. (2016). Explaining Stability and Change of Territorial Identities. Nations and Nationalism 22:1 (January 2016): 84-102.
- Caruana, N., McGregor, R. M., & Stephenson, L. (2015). The Power of the Dark Side: Negative Partisanship and Political Behaviour. Canadian Journal of Political Science 48:4 (December 2015): 771-789.
- Anderson, C. & McGregor, R.M. (2015). Economic Attitudes and Political Identities: The Case of Canada. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27:3 (Autumn 2015): 361-382.
- McGregor, R. M., Caruana, N, & Stephenson, L. (2015). Negative Partisanship in Multi-Party Systems. Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties, 25: 300-316.
- McGregor, R.M. & Anderson, C. (2014). The Effects of Elections Canada’s Campaign Period Advertising. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 47:813-826.
- McGregor, R. M. (2013). Measuring Correct Voting using Comparative Manifestos Project Data. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 23: 1-26.
- McGregor, R. M. (2013). Cognitive Dissonance and Political Attitudes: The Case of Canada. Social Science Journal, 50: 168-176.
- McGregor, R. M. (2012). Voter Sincerity and the Time-of-Voting-Decision. Electoral Studies, 31: 715-725.