Peer-Reviewed Books
- Koop, R., Bastedo, H. and Blidook, K. (forthcoming). Representation in Action: Canadian MPs in the Constituencies. Vancouver: UBC Press
- Bittner, A. and Koop, R., (eds). (2013). Parties, Elections and the Future of Canadian Politics. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Koop, R. (2011). Grassroots Liberals: Organizing for Local and National Politics in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Farney, James, and Royce Koop. Forthcoming. Auditing Party Democracy: The Case of Canadian Party Constituency Associations. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics.
Breux, Sandra, Jerome Couture, and Royce Koop. 2017. Turnout in Local Elections: Evidence from Canadian Cities, 2004-2014. Canadian Journal of Political Science 50(3): 699-722.
Koop, Royce, and John Kraemer. 2016. Wards, At-Large Systems and the Focus of Representation in Canadian Cities. Canadian Journal of Political Science 49(3): 433-448.
Koop, Royce. 2016. Institutional and Individual-Level Influences on Service Representation and Casework in Canadian Cities. Urban Affairs Review 52(5): 808-831.
Koop, Royce, and Campbell Sharman. 2015. National Party Structure in Parliamentary Federations: Subcontracting Electoral Mobilization in Canada and Australia. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 53(2): 177-196.
Peter John Loewen, Royce Koop, James H. Fowler, and Jaimie Settle. 2014. “A Natural Experiment in Proposal Power and Electoral Success.” American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 189-196.
Royce Koop. 2014. “Elite-Activist Relationships In Political Parties: A Social Exchange Analysis of Canadian Parties.” Representation 50 (2): 259-270.
- Royce Koop. 2012. “The Unanticipated Consequences of Fewer Politicians: Bill 81, Federalism and Constituency Party Organization in Ontario.” Canadian Public Policy 38 (4): 515-529.
- Royce Koop. 2012. “Party Constituency Associations and the Service, Policy, and Symbolic Responsiveness of Canadian Members of Parliament.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 45 (2): 359-378.
- Royce Koop and Alex Marland. 2012. “Insiders and Outsiders: Presentation of Self in Parlia- mentary Websites and Newsletters.” Policy and Internet 4 (3-4): 112-135.
- Royce Koop and Amanda Bittner. 2011. “Parachuted into Parliament: Appointed Candidates and Parliamentary Roles in Canada.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 21 (4): 431-452.
- Royce Koop. 2011. “UK Devolution and Constituency Association Adaptation in Scotland and Wales.” Representation 47 (1): 85-97.
- Royce Koop. 2010. “Professionalism, Sociability, and the Liberal Party in the Constituencies.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 43 (4): 893-913.
- Royce Koop and Harold J. Jansen. 2009. “Political Blogs and Blogrolls in Canada: Forums for Democratic Deliberation?” Social Science Computer Review 27 (2): 155-173.
- Harold J. Jansen and Royce Koop. 2005. “Pundits, Ideologues, and Ranters: The British Columbia Election Online.” Canadian Journal of Communication 30 (4): 613-632.
- Royce Koop. 2004. “Federal-Provincial Voting and Federal Integration in the Fourth Canadian Party System.” Federal Governance 4 (1).
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
- Farney, James, and Royce Koop. 2017. Ideology, Strategy, and Organization in the Conservative Party of Canada. The Blueprint: Conservative Parties and Their Impact on Canadian Politics, eds. J.P. Lewis and Joanna Everett. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Koop, Royce. 2015. Politicians and Local Party Organizations: A Delegation Approach. Parties and Party Systems: Structure and Context, eds. Richard Johnston and Campbell Sharman. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Royce Koop. 2014. “Parties and Brokerage Politics in Newfoundland and Labrador.” In First Among Unequals: The Premier, Politics, and Policy in Newfoundland Labrador, eds. Alex Marland and Matthew Kerby. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Munroe Eagles, Royce Koop, and Alison Loat. 2014. “MPs on the Home Front: How Con- stituency Characteristics Influence Representational Approaches.” Canadian Democracy from the Bottom Up, eds. Elisabeth Gidengil and Heather Bastedo. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Thierry Giasson, Harold Jansen, and Royce Koop. 2014. “Blogging, Partisanship, and Political Participation in Canada.” In Political Communication in Canada, eds. Thierry Giasson and Alex Marland. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Royce Koop and Amanda Bittner. 2013. “Canadian Parties and Elections: The Post-2011 Party System.” Parties, Elections and the Future of Canadian Politics, eds. Amanda Bittner and Royce Koop. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Amanda Bittner and Royce Koop. 2013. “Introduction.” In Parties, Elections and the Future of Canadian Politics, eds. Amanda Bittner and Royce Koop. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Royce Koop. 2012. “Marketing and Ecacy: Does Political Marketing Empower Canadians?” In Political Marketing in Canada, eds. Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Thierry Giasson, and Alex Marland. Vancouver: UBC Press.